
North West Kent 

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The KS4 curriculum is designed to ensure that after they leave us our pupils engage positively in education, employment or training. (You can see just how successful our pupils are in our destinations data.)


As part of our three-day induction programme, new pupils complete academic assessments and speak to our destinations team to help choose an individual pathway.


All students study GCSE English Language, English Literature and Mathematics as well as Level 2 qualifications in Sports Science and Financial Studies. We offer bespoke GCSE pathways to pupils pursuing more academic destinations.


In addition to their core subjects, all students choose two vocational courses from a range that is relevant to our pupils’ career choices, realistic for the local job market and robust enough to prepare pupils for college, an apprenticeship or the workplace. Subjects include construction, hospitality and catering, textiles, hair and beauty, creative media and art and are available at Level 1 and Level 2, which as long as they join us with sufficient time left to complete the course, most pupils achieve.


All students are offered work experience in Year 11 as part of the destination team’s comprehensive support of pupils while they are with us, through the summer holiday and as they begin the next phase of their education.



KS3 students, and the majority of Y10 students referred to our short stay provision, are being prepared for their return to mainstream school. Their curriculum has different aims:


  • To prepare pupils for a reintegration back into a mainstream school or another appropriate educational provision.
  • To assess all pupils to identify additional needs and make appropriate and relevant referrals to support pupils on their return to school.
  • To give pupils an opportunity to address the reasons why they are no longer in their previous school and to demonstrate that they are in a position to return to a mainstream environment.
  • To work with families and agencies including Early Help to support the child’s education.
  • To support schools and pupils to give them the best opportunity to make a successful transition.