We are once again incredibly proud of our Year 11 students this year, the majority of whom successfully gained a place at their first choice destination after leaving us.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding from the Government to help schools close the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. The funding is allocated to schools for children from reception to year 11 who have registered for free school meals in the last 6 years, are in care or have parents in the Armed Forces.
In 2020-21 the funding allocation was £935 per child and £300 for children of Armed Forces families.
Unlike other schools we do not directly receive Pupil Premium for all eligible pupils. Our aim as a school is for all pupils to remain on role with their mainstream school and, where possible return to that school if this is an appropriate pathway for the child or young person.
NWKAPS commits to ensuring that every child or young person who would usually be entitled to this additional funding receives additional support bespoke to their needs during their stay at our school. NWKAPS is committed to closing the gap between the progress of pupils who receive the funding and those considered to not be disadvantaged.
Our strategy for this year sets out the range of work that we, as a school, are doing to ensure that we close the gap and make the most amount of progress possible. Our work is not only supporting them academically but also with other barriers to their success.