We offer a range of interventions to address a variety of academic, SEND and SEMH needs, based on as much information as we can gather:
We also offer bespoke support for specific needs, like a KS4 pupil who needs Sensory Circuit after lunch each day, or an autistic pupil who needs to access maths lessons somewhere other than the classroom. Wherever possible, we adapt to support the needs of each pupil.
Intervention | Intended Outcomes | |
Phonics Phonics involves decoding letters into their phonic sounds. Sometimes, a pupil has not learned or remembered reading skills when they were young, and this can make it harder to read independently and ‘break down’ the sounds of words. This intervention helps pupils to spot the sound patterns in words and improve their reading and spelling. Some SEND needs make it harder to learn using the standard phonics packages – so we also support with sight words, taking a ‘think it, say it, write it, read it’ approach. | + Accuracy in reading; + confidence with reading; + learning of process to connect sound to letter and of patterns; + connections between unfamiliar print words and verbal knowledge. | |
Spelling Like phonics, there can be gaps in our knowledge of key sounds/patterns and this can impact spelling ability. Pupils are supported in spotting and using spelling patterns. Pupils learn the combinations and sequences of letters to produce the intended sound. This often links closely with phonics sessions. | + understanding/ meaning of their writing; + legibility; + confidence to use technical terms/broad vocabulary. | |
Reading and Comprehension Skills This intervention focuses on supporting a pupil with their reading fluency, speed, basic comprehension and understanding of a text. They read 1:1 with one of our team, who supports their reading and understanding of a range of texts. Reading is hierarchical – first a pupil needs to be able to decode, remember common words and then comprehend meaning. This intervention helps with the comprehension and that ‘next step’ – improving fluency with practice, and supporting selection and retrieval of information from the text. | + improved fluency and recognition of common words; + improved understanding of the text; + the ability to locate specific information in a text. | |
Pre-teaching This intervention supports pupils who struggle with English and Maths skills and/or subject vocabulary. Sometimes pupils struggle to read, understand and analyse all at once. They are supported to learn how to reading and understand texts, words and processes which will be used in their next few lessons. This removes the pressure/anxiety of unseen texts, allowing them to spend class time on the work, not reading and rereading. These sessions also allow time to identify any misconceptions or lack of prior knowledge/skills. | + engagement with the lesson and ability to complete tasks with minimal support; + improved understanding of lesson texts and vocabulary; +reduced anxiety re: independent work. | |
Inference Skills These sessions support pupils to locate information in a text and to use methods, such as graphic organisers, to form inferences based on these facts. It is ‘reading between the lines’ or ‘clue hunting’, and is an essential skill for modern life – and higher grades at GCSE. Good readers with reasonable grades may still struggle with inference and deduction; this intervention aims to remove the barriers to higher attainment. | + learn methods to independently infer / deduce in a range of situations; + remove barriers from high grade attainment; + improve analytical skills. | |
Numeracy Numeracy is a vital skill for life. If a pupil is struggling with maths in general, or with a particular process, our team will work with them to support their learning, helping them to learn the skills they need. We use Numicon as it provides a range of tasks, including visual and physical tasks, to help pupils to remember skills. We also work with the Maths Department to ensure that, where needed, our sessions cover the current classroom topic – especially at KS4. | + organisation, including telling the time; + independence and confidence with mathematical processes; + knowing the times tables. | |
Handwriting It is an important life skill to have handwriting which you and others can read. Most handwriting is legible, but when it isn’t, our team works with a pupil on this skill, using a range of strategies. This helps to prevent work being illegible in exams, enables students to reread and check their own work and builds pupil confidence. | + legibility of writing and, potentially, grades as a result; | |
Fine Motor Skills | + handwriting; + engagement with tools & equipment used in class and around the school; reduced frustration/refusal to use these items. | |
Sensory Circuit We use this intervention every morning on arrival for a group of our KS3 students. Some KS4 pupils also use this intervention, but usually 1:1. This intervention involves a range of activities to stimulate, focus then calm a pupil, providing them both the time and a supportive structure to prepare for the day ahead. | + focus in class; + preparedness for school and learning; + a calmer, more settled start; + brain processing efficiency. | |
Sensory Rooms We have two sensory rooms – one is a calming space to help pupils who struggle with overstimulation, the other is a very stimulating environment, for pupils who need additional sensory input. Our SEMH Mentors have been trained in the use and purpose of all equipment in these rooms and use them both for bespoke scheduled sensory interventions, and for as-needed spaces to support pupils who are struggling. | + emotional regulation; + focus on returning to class; + engagement with learning and peers; + mental health; -reduced distress and discomfort. | |
Drawing and Talking Sometimes, it can be hard to tell others how we are feeling or express our needs. In these sessions, a pupil can draw or colour a picture of their choice, which helps them to relax and focus, and makes it easier to talk about their emotions. This is not counselling, it’s less formal and many pupils access this who may otherwise just bottle up feelings and not seek help or advice. The sessions are student-led, which is important in developing trust and confidence. All of our SEMH staff have been trained by the practitioners who created this therapeutic intervention. | + communication skills; + confidence; + trust; + learn a range of strategies for coping with emotions and trauma; + learn how to communicate their needs. | |
Sand Therapy This intervention is directly linked to the Drawing and Talking Advanced therapy training, and builds on the processes used in Drawing and Talking. Unlike D&T, it can be delivered 1:1 or in small groups. Sand Therapy encourages pupils to choose items and create scenarios to play out and explore things which are troubling them in a safe, protected space. It allows a safe place to explore concerns without needing to talk about them or even represent them literally and can help pupils to process trauma or negative experiences. | +improved resilience; +it can lead to a reduction in anxiety and traumatic stress symptoms; +improved processing of trauma / anxieties; +increased engagement with staff and other therapies / support over time. | |
Settling Strategies Settling strategies and good organisation can help to start the day/lesson well. Our team provide targeted support for specific needs at the start of the day or lesson for pupils who struggle with organisation, focus and engagement. By adding and embedding a routine, it should help them to have a calmer, more productive day and, hopefully, transfer those skills when they leave us. | + engagement; + organisation; +increased focus in class; + improved routines at the start of the day. | |
3 Good Things An intervention based on the exercise “3 Good Things” and research by Dr Seligman. This intervention involves pupils focusing on 3 positive experiences which make their life happier. It has been shown to promote confidence, increase calm and a sense of inner peace, and to improve their acknowledgement of themselves and their experiences or achievements. | + confidence; + focus on positive experiences each day, not negatives; + calm and inner peace; + awareness of own achievements and progress. | |
Anxiety and Anger Support This intervention supports pupils with low self-esteem/confidence and high anxiety, or those who struggle with emotion regulation. It is designed to investigate how other people encounter and cope with specific situations or changes in life, and discussions on the pupil’s interpretation and feelings about these scenarios. This leads to discussion on life situations, feelings, motivations and looking at different perspectives, which can boost confidence and help pupils to spot positive traits in themselves. It also focuses on building strategies to approach situations differently and to improve self-regulation. | + confidence and self-esteem; + improved understanding of causes of their feelings and anxieties; + learn a range of strategies to support themselves in different, challenging situations. | |
Counselling This is a talking therapy with our trained school Counsellor, Angela. As part of the admission process, ever student meets Angela within a fortnight of starting with us, so that – if they do need to access counselling – it is not with a stranger they have never met. Pupils may opt to access regular sessions each week, or may choose to use the drop-in service offered. The sessions take place in calm, relaxing and – most of all - private rooms, where students can feel safe to discuss their concerns. | +Increased ability to process and manage trauma, anxiety and to regulate emotions; +Improved mental health; +Improved confidence and focus. | |
Nurture Groups Nurture groups assess learning and SEMH needs, and give the necessary help to remove the barriers to learning. There is a strong emphasis on language development and communication. Everything is explained, supported by role modelling, demonstration and the use of gesture as appropriate. The relationship between the two staff who lead the session provides a role model that children observe and begin to copy. We currently have two KS3 Nurture Groups whose sessions involve the same learning as in class, but with an additional focus on how we work together and function positively as a group, to develop the necessary social skills for reintegration to mainstream school. | + focus and engagement with learning in their lessons; + social and communication skills; + confidence and self-esteem; + focus on self-regulation, taking pride in their work and achieving personal goals. | |
Permission to Feel Based on the research and book by Marc Brackett, PhD, this intervention focuses on supporting pupils in learning how to identify, understand and communicate their emotions and needs. The sessions support pupils to discuss situations they encounter, and begin to understand and manage their emotional responses to a range of situations. It aims to build vocabulary and understanding around emotions and enable pupils to both understand and accurately communicate their needs. | + self-esteem and confidence; + mental wellbeing; + skills to understand and regulate emotion; + focus and engagement; -reduce stress and burnout. | |
Zones of Regulation The Zones of Regulation provides an easy way to think and talk about how we feel on the inside and sorts emotions into four coloured Zones, all of which are expected in life. In our setting, this links closely to Permission to Feel, and currently offered as 1:1 or small group sessions linked to Nurture and Permission to Feel. | +Increased self-awareness and social and emotional skills; +A common language for communication, problem solving, and communicating needs. | |
LEGO Therapy LEGO Therapy is a fantastic intervention which covers a range of areas of need linked to SEMH, social communication skills and fine motor skills. It supports speech and language development, turn taking, sharing, cooperating, following instructions, organisation / sequencing skills, group work and social communication. This is an intervention which is usually delivered in pairs or small groups, to boost the confidence and social skills of the pupils involved. | + communication and social skills; + team work; + giving / following instructions; + taking turns / sharing; + problem-solving skills; + vocabulary. | |
Talk for Work This is a speech and language profile tool and support method to ensure that pupils have appropriate communication skills for the workplace. This intervention is aimed at ensuring none of our pupils face a communication barrier when interviewing, entering the workplace or joining post-16 placements. | + confidence for interviews and work experience; + communication skills in general; + communication skills for the workplace/post-16 placements. | |
Talk About for Teens This intervention focuses on supporting pupils to develop social communication skills. It is particularly designed for young people who have SEMH needs and who may struggle in certain situations and with peer relationships. The sessions focus on different elements of communication: self-awareness and self-esteem; body language; conversational skills; friendship skills; assertiveness skills | + self-esteem and confidence in social situations and interactions; + improved peer interactions and reduced conflict. | |
Talk for Children Similar to Talk About for Teens, this intervention focuses on skills for forming friendships, working with others, developing self-esteem and learning the social communication skills needed for learning in class. Not all students have had consistent access to school. This and/or SEND needs may have impacted the ability to learn and remember the skills needed for positive communication in different situations. This intervention aims to find gaps in knowledge and help to develop these crucial skills. | + self-esteem and confidence in social situations and interactions; + improved peer interactions and reduced conflict. | |
Language for Thinking The dialogue between teacher and student that underpins learning frequently involves students being asked questions. However, a significant proportion of children find it difficult to understand these increasingly complex questions, including those with autism, social communication disorder, Developmental Language Disorder and learning difficulties. Language for Thinking is a structured approach to develop children’s language from the ‘here and now’ to the ‘how and why’. It is quite a structured approach to improving communication skills. | + improved communication and information processing skills; + understanding of situations / people; + improved analytical skills and ability to infer; + improved confidence with work and in social situations; |